
FakeVMap Type

This is a mapping from an edge to a dummy vertex (for external function calls). We first separately create dummy vertices even if they are associated with the same node (address) in order to compute dominance relationships without introducing incorrect paths or cycles. For convenience, we will always consider as a key "a return edge" from a fake vertex to a fall-through vertex.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Comparer

Returns: IEqualityComparer<ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint>

Returns: IEqualityComparer<ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint>


Full Usage: this.Count

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.[arg1]

Returns: ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint
Modifiers: abstract

Returns: ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint


Full Usage: this.Keys

Returns: KeyCollection<(ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint), SSAVertex>

Returns: KeyCollection<(ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint), SSAVertex>


Full Usage: this.Values

Returns: ValueCollection<(ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint), SSAVertex>

Returns: ValueCollection<(ProgramPoint * ProgramPoint), SSAVertex>