
CFGBuilder Type

This is the main class for building a CFG from a given binary.


Constructor Description

CFGBuilder(hdl, codeMgr, dataMgr)

Full Usage: CFGBuilder(hdl, codeMgr, dataMgr)

Returns: CFGBuilder
hdl : BinHandle
codeMgr : CodeManager
dataMgr : DataManager
Returns: CFGBuilder

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.AddNewFunctions(entries)

Returns: Result<unit, CFGError>

This is the only function that is available to users, which takes in a list of known function entry infos and recover the whole CFGs, thereby updating both code manager and data manager. The return value is Error if a fatal error is encountered.

entries : (Addr * ArchOperationMode) list
Returns: Result<unit, CFGError>