
NoReturnFunctionIdentification Type

NoReturnFunctionIdentification has two roles: (1) identify whether a function is non-returning or not, and (2) add return and fall-through edges if callee function is non-returning.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: NoReturnFunctionIdentification()

Returns: NoReturnFunctionIdentification
Returns: NoReturnFunctionIdentification

Instance members

Instance member Description

this.HasNonZeroArg(hdl) (caller) (nth)

Full Usage: this.HasNonZeroArg(hdl) (caller) (nth)

Returns: bool

Check whether the (nth) argument is always non-zero. This is used only for known error functions, which can conditionally become a no-ret function depending on the given argument value.

hdl : BinHandle
caller : Vertex<IRBasicBlock>
nth : int
Returns: bool

this.IsNoRetSyscallBlk(hdl) (bbl)

Full Usage: this.IsNoRetSyscallBlk(hdl) (bbl)

Returns: bool

Check whether the given bbl has a no-return syscall (e.g., exit).

hdl : BinHandle
bbl : Vertex<IRBasicBlock>
Returns: bool