BinHandle of the current binary.
Field type:
CP core interface.
Field type:
Default word size of the current analysis.
Field type:
Executable edges from vid to vid. If there's no element for an edge, that
means the edge is not executable.
Field type:
HashSet<VertexID * VertexID>
Executed edges from vid to vid.
Field type:
HashSet<VertexID * VertexID>
Worklist for blocks.
Field type:
Queue<VertexID * VertexID>
SSA mem values. Only store values of constant addresses. The second set
contains addresses changed throughout the analysis (after initialization).
Field type:
Dictionary<SSAMemID, (Map<Addr, 'L> * Set<Addr>)>
SSA var values.
Field type:
Dictionary<Variable, 'L>
SSA edges
Field type:
Worklist for SSA stmt, this stack stores a list of def variables, and we
will use SSAEdges to find all related SSA statements.
Field type:
Uninitialized memory addresses found during CP.
Field type: