
SzCond Type

Specific conditions for determining the size of operands. (See Table A-1, Appendix A.2.5 of Vol. 2D).

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: D64

Field type: SzCond
Modifiers: static

(d64) When in 64-bit mode, instruction defaults to 64-bit operand size and cannot encode 32-bit operand size.

Field type: SzCond


Full Usage: F64

Field type: SzCond
Modifiers: static

(f64) The operand size is forced to a 64-bit operand size when in 64-bit mode (prefixes that change operand size, e.g., 66 prefix, are ignored for this instruction in 64-bit mode).

Field type: SzCond


Full Usage: Nor

Field type: SzCond
Modifiers: static

Normal conditions. This includes all other size conditions in Table A-1.

Field type: SzCond